The Power of Encouragement.

It is a known fact that when Canadian geese fly that their honking is a form of encouragement to  other geese during long flights. Flying long distances requires considerable energy, and the honking can serve as a form of mutual support. It helps geese maintain motivation and stamina during challenging flights.

“When you encourage someone, you uplift them and inspire hope”

Since I embarked on my business journey last year, I have been inspired and uplifted by the amount of encouragement and positive feedback I have received. When I thought about this, I was wondering why. There are a number of reasons but the main one was because those I help are grateful for it. In all my years in the employment of others, working hard, helping people, and giving my best, I can only recall a few times where I was verbally appreciated. The companies I worked for were good companies run by good people, so why wasn’t there more verbal encouragement? The answer to this is you and you get paid for the work you are expected to do. Retrospectively, the other fact that I had to challenge myself with, was how often did I encourage others around me?

Someone has to start honking first for others to feel encouraged to honk. The challenge for you and me is to be the ones that start the encouragement.

Encouragement can inspire the following:

·         Self-Belief

  • When someone believes in you, it strengthens your confidence and fuels your determination to succeed. Words of encouragement have the remarkable ability to instil a sense of self-worth and reassurance, especially during times of doubt or difficulty. This newfound self-belief empowers you to push past your limitations, embrace challenges, and embrace personal growth.

·         Strengthened Relationships

  • Encouragement is a cornerstone of healthy, supportive relationships. Whether it be between friends, family members, or colleagues, offering genuine encouragement fosters trust, empathy, and connection.

·         Creativity and Innovation

  • When you feel supported and encouraged, you are more likely to embrace your unique perspectives and think outside the box. Encouragement fuels a sense of daring exploration, enabling you to take risks, and challenge your conventional thinking.

·         Resilience

  • In the face of setbacks and failures, encouragement acts as a shield of resilience. It provides strength to persevere and bounce back from adversity. Encouragement fosters the belief that failures are stepping-stones to success that inspire a growth-oriented mindset.

By harnessing the power of kind words, gestures, and support, you can become a catalyst for releasing human potential. Remember that a little encouragement can go a long way to unlocking greatness in others.

  My 5 Learnings:

  • My encouragement helps others to overcome challenges and achieve their goals

  • My relationships will be strengthened when I use encouraging words and actions

  • Creativity and innovation will be inspired and unlocked  by encouragement

  • My support of others acts as a shield of resilience

  • When I give genuine encouragement, I can bring out the greatness in others

You can inspire real change in others when you recognize the transformative power of your words and actions. Through the simple act of uplifting others, you contribute to a world where dreams are realized, achievements are celebrated, and change is transformational.

My 3 Questions for you:

  • How has encouragement played a role in helping you overcome challenges?

  • How often do you encourage others?

  • In what ways has encouragement fuelled you to take a risk?

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you need encouragement, or if you have questions, please talk to me. I would be happy to chat with you and help.

 Remember daily to, “Find value in your influence”

Written By: Paul Fawcett.


Become Passionate About Growing Others


Understanding your value.