Running out of time!

“I’m out of time”, we have all probably said this or heard others say it. Time is a resource that we decide on how to use it best. This being the case, why do we end up running out of it?  

“Time is like a suitcase ”

John Maxwell describes time as a suitcase that we all have, and we get to choose how we pack it.

Imagine your suitcase is a 24-hour day, each person has the same size suitcase, yet we all pack it differently. Some people pack less and afterwards wish they had packed more or maybe they have packed little, but it has been exactly right for what they have needed. Others pack lots in, but they are not necessarily the things they need. Sometimes, others put things in your suitcase that you do not want. Packing a suitcase is a great metaphor for how you use time. Some people fit more into their 24-hour day than others do.  

I don’t know about you, but I know for myself that when I pack my suitcase to go somewhere, I always seem to overpack. The reason is that I need to be prepared. In my mind it sounds like this. “What if it rains, what if I go for a run, what if it’s extra hot, what if, what if, what if.” Does that sound familiar to you? When I break it down to the nuts and bolts, the only things that I pack just right every time are my undies, this is based on one pair per day for the allocated time away. The rest of the decisions are probably more emotional than practical, but because I am an efficient packer, I can get more in my suitcase and fit most things in, practical and wishful.

In order to pack effectively for time away I need to consider the following:

·       The weather

·       My schedule

·       Important documents (like my passport and other not to be missed items)

·       My capacity for adding in wishful extra “just in case” items

The greater my intentionality in focusing on the above, the more I can be certain of having the things I need for my chosen time away.

So, if I bring this back to the principle of managing time, this is what needs to be considered when packing your “time suitcase”.

First: What’s important to you?

·       In a 24-hour day, what are the important things that need to be done? Important priorities could include things like:

-          Family

-          Work

-          Social

-          Exercise

Important priorities will vary from person to person, you need to stay focused on yours in a way that they are moving you forward holistically.

Second: Have you got what you need for the season you are in?

·       Life has different seasons of change that can determine what your priorities become. When you consider these priorities, do you have the right self-awareness, disciplines, skills, and knowledge that will help you in making the most of every moment of the day?
In some seasons of life, you will find you have more capacity to fit more into your day than other seasons. Be intentional about doing a weekly review of your calendar and task list and cull things that are not necessary.

Third: How long will it take?

·       Setting time frames around the things you do and staying committed to them will help you not to waste time and get more in the day. If you are not clear about your time and priorities, others could start deciding this for you. Consider the places where your value is high, for the time that is spent.

Time is the only thing you can’t make more of, and it all comes down to using the time you have well. How you use your time and what you prioritise will determine what your life will become.

 My 5 Learnings:

·       Organising my time is like packing a suitcase

·       I need to be intentional about how I use my time

·       Different seasons in life will place different demands that I need to be aware of

·       I need to know where and to who I can add the most value

·       My attitude to time should be holistic and balanced for the greatest effect

Remember you can’t be everywhere all of the time so becoming clear holistically with how you use your time is essential.   

My 3 Questions for you:

·       Where do you run out of time?

·       How can you apply the above ideas to help you?

·       What is one thing you could change to be more effective with your time?

“Don’t try to manage your time – manage yourself – John Maxwell”

 If you need help with time alignment, or if you have questions, please talk to me. I would be happy to chat with you and help.

 Remember daily to, “Find value in your influence”

Written By: Paul Fawcett.


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