Stack Your Day for Maximum Effectiveness
Stacking Priorities
For some, stacking priorities can be challenging. I think I stack my day and priorities pretty well. I don’t find it a chore at all, because in my Top 5 Clifton Strengths I have Maximiser, Arranger, Includer, Communication and Adaptability. I am often looking for the opportunity to add something, involve others to get the best out of the experience. For example, if I travel for work, I take my wife. If it is a bigger coaching job, I will involve her and draw from her experience and availability. While we are away, we will take time together to go on adventures and see sites. We may also visit family or friends and take them out to dinner. I will organise other meetings to connect with new people and look for new opportunities. While we travel, we will listen to an audio book for some of the journey (usually leadership or personal growth) and then talk about our learnings. Thinking in this way enables us to align and work through our priorities and what’s important.
Taking time to understand what your priorities are, needs to be driven from your purpose and values. Your purpose is the compass of your greater journey, and your values are why you are motivated. From the example above it is easy for me to identify my purpose and values in action.
My purpose is “Inspiring purpose in individuals for accelerated growth and a legacy of effective influence.” My values are Fun, Family, Freedom, Leadership, Generosity and Wisdom. All of these show up in some way for me in the above interactions and activities.
“If you don’t set your priorities, others will for you ”
Stacking Hacks:
When organising your weekly priorities, consider strategies to stack and arrange tasks for the best outcome. Here are some ways to stack your priorities:
Prioritise tasks based on their significance and importance. Arrange less important tasks around them if needed. The things that are meaningful always need to be the first priority. The amount of time, attention, and energy you have is limited. Use it wisely.
Group appointments in similar locations to minimise travel time and maximise productivity. If you look ahead at your appointments and tasks, see if there gains that you can make by organising them relative to their locations.
If you have appointments in distant locations, explore opportunities to accomplish other tasks while there. For example, I will always think about how I could have fun and freedom by being in another location.
Explore alternative methods to accomplish tasks, such as using technology, delegating, or rescheduling. This is especially valuable for your non important tasks. Focusing on too many of these types of tasks will be energy draining and railroad your productivity.
You will find it helpful to explore the timing of the day. It’s easy to get drawn into other people’s time rhythms and pay no attention to your own. Sometimes this can’t be avoided, like the time when school starts and finishes. Seasons of life can also be non-negotiable. What’s important to you will remain but you may need to prioritise and apply it in a different way.
Stacking tasks shouldn’t be adopted to just do more. It needs to be focused towards allowing you time, attention, and energy to focus on what’s meaningful and important. This should include rest, relaxation, refreshment, and important relationships.
Balancing life will be better when you take proactive steps to review your schedule and prioritise tasks accordingly. Look for opportunities to stack your schedule and optimise your productivity.
My 3 Learnings:
I need to navigate my priorities to align with my purpose and values.
If I don’t mange my priorities it opens me up to be dictated to by other people’s priorities.
When stacking my priorities I should consider my time, attention, and energy.
Holistic is best:
To achieve good life balance stacking priorities needs to be thought about holistically. If you don’t have priorities that address the tension of the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental states, then take some time now to see how you can align these for your best life balance.
My 3 Questions for you:
Are others dictating your priorities?
Are you stacking priorities or just busy doing things that are not meaningful and important?
What are the meaningful things in your life?
"In a world where we're expected to do it all, remember that it's okay to set boundaries and prioritise self-care. You can't pour from an empty cup." - Unknown
Contact me and let's embark on this journey of intentional living together. Your experiences, insights, and questions are invaluable. I invite you to share your thoughts, challenges, or victories in managing priorities. Whether it's a personal story or a burning question, I'm here to help you discover more and navigate life purposefully. Reach out, and let's make every moment count. Remember daily to, 'Find value in your influence.' Your voice matters, and I'm excited to hear from you!"
Written By: Paul Fawcett.